Meet Caitlin


"As a master personal trainer, nutrition coach, and yoga instructor, I take a scientific and holistic approach to fitness. That means that I take into account all aspects of the body and mind when creating my programs. I do that because every part of us is interconnected. Neglecting one aspect, essentially means that you're also neglecting the others....

  • Your nutrition affects your mind, your physical strength, energy levels, and overall health.
  • Your physical fitness level affects these things as well, and your mobility too.
  • Your state of mind affects whether or not you have the desire and motivation to actually complete a workout and prepare healthy meals as well as anything else you need to do in order to get and stay physically and mentally fit.

This is why taking a holistic approach to training is vital to attaining and maintaining optimal levels of fitness and well-being."

 Caitlin Followell

Caitlin is a former gym owner who got her start in fitness and nutrition back in 2012. As a gym owner, Caitlin was featured in the local newspaper regularly, and won Best Gym, and Best Health/Fitness Business in 2020. She has earned 14 fitness and nutrition certifications with numerous hours of continuing education, over 420 hours of yoga instructor training, and is currently working on earning her Bachelors in Exercise Science with a concentration in Strength and Conditioning.

  Caitlin Followell FitnessCaitlin Followell FitnessCaitlin Followell Fitness



Personal Training

  • NBM Basic Personal Trainer
  • NBM Advanced Personal Trainer
  • NBM Master Personal Trainer


  • AFPA Certified Yoga Fitness Instructor

    Caitlin Followell Caitlin Followell Caitlin Followell

Group Fitness

  • NBM Group Fitness Instructor
  • Penalty Box Fitness
  • BollyX
  • Hoop Love Coach


  • NESTA Physique & Figure Training Specialist


  • NASM Certified Nutrition Coach
  • NBM Advanced Sports Nutrition Specialist


  • NASM Senior Fitness Specialist
  • NBM Flexibility Specialist
  • NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist

Continuing Education

Personal Training

  • Understanding Obesity - University of Edinburgh
  • AFAA Training the Brain: The Neuroscience of Aerobic Exercise


  • Self-Massage for Yoga Practitioners - Yoga International
  • The Science of Yoga and Yoga Therapy: Understanding the Research - Yoga International
  • Let's Explore Breathing - Yoga International
  • 15-hour Yoga Shred
  • Yoga for Weightlifting, Powerlifting, and Body Building
  • 40-hour Trauma Informed Yoga

Group Fitness

  • Pilates Props: The Foam Roller


  • NASM's Guide to Bodybuilding


  • Stanford Introduction to Food and Health - Stanford University
  • AFAA Timing is Everything in Nutrition and Exercise


  • Everyday Chinese Medicine - University of Hong Kong