Is Your Posture Making You Stressed?

Is Your Posture Making You Stressed?

Do you slouch because you’re stressed… or are you stressed because you’re slouching?

The answer might make you want to sit up straight right now!

The other day, I came across a study that said not only does your posture affect your physical body (muscles, core, joints, etc)...

It can also affect your mood.

The study, published in the journal Health Psychology, found a significant link between how you sit and your mood, your stress level, and even your self-esteem!

The details?

74 study participants either slouched or sat upright during reading and speech assignments. They were then assessed for their mood, self-esteem, and whether they felt any perceived threats.

The people who sat upright showed higher self-esteem, a better mood, and less fear than the people who slumped.

Unsurprisingly, the “slouchers” showed more negativity and less resilience to stress.

Interesting, right?

It just goes to show you, your small everyday actions — like how you sit — can play a huge role in how you feel not just physically, but also mentally and emotionally!

That’s why my Stronger to the Core program focuses on stronger and more stable core that will lead to major changes to your posture, fitness level, and overall health.

The next time you feel yourself slouching, take a second to adjust your posture (and a few relaxing breaths) and see if you feel a difference.

(Hint: you will!)

Make it an amazing day,

 Caitlin Followell Fitness

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