Set Better Goals with Value-Based Goal Setting

Set Better Goals with Value-Based Goal Setting

Have you ever set a fitness or health goal that felt like a chore, something you had to drag yourself through? And then, before you know it, you find yourself quitting — yet again? We’ve all been there. We set big “important” goals, but when it’s time to take action, we often fall short.

It starts with small things like:

  • Skipping a workout
  • Ordering a burger and fries when you planned on getting a salad
  • Drinking that Diet Coke when you promised yourself you’d stick to water

Sure, these things might be fine once in a while, but when they become more than “once in a while” — that’s when it becomes a challenge. It can feel like you’re constantly playing tug-of-war with yourself, and it’s not a fun place to be in.

The Way Out: Values-Based Goal Setting (VBG)

The good news is that there's a way out of this cycle. It’s called Values-Based Goal Setting (VBG). When you set the right goal and have a realistic plan that fits your values (and life!), it’s SO MUCH EASIER to stay on track.

Grab a piece of paper and a pen, and let’s get to work!

Step 1: Define Your Big Goal

What do you want to accomplish? Examples include:

  • Finishing your first 5k
  • Losing 20 pounds
  • Lowering your blood pressure to 120/80

Step 2: Align Your Goal with Your Values

Use the following prompts to help you align your goal with your values and personality to create the best route for YOU to get there.

Make three columns on the piece of paper:

  1. First Column: Label it “I’m the kind of person who…”
  2. Second Column: Label it “And it’s important to me that…”
  3. Third Column: Label it “So I’d feel good about accomplishing…”

Then, fill out the columns in a way that’ll help you come up with a plan to achieve your goal!

Here’s an Example:

  • I’m the kind of person who… enjoys being active and spending time outdoors.
  • And it’s important to me that… I stay healthy to be able to play with my kids and feel good about myself.
  • So I’d feel good about accomplishing… running my first 5k because it aligns with my love for outdoor activities and my desire to be a healthy role model for my children.

Find Your Groove

This strategy is a little different than just setting goals. It blends your personality with what matters to you, so you can carve out a path that fits who you are. Once you find your groove, it’s a matter of sticking to your plan, celebrating your small wins, and reminding yourself WHY you set your goal!

Need a Little Extra Help?

If you find yourself struggling with this, I can help. My app will help you know exactly WHAT to do each day — and also remind you of WHY you need to do it on days you feel like giving up.

Try it Free!

Want to see if it’s right for you? Click here to get a 7-day FREE trial and see how it works.

Committed to Your Success,
Caitlin Followell Fitness

P.S. The Meals.Muscle.Mind App has everything you need to make sure you hit your goals and live a life that aligns with your values. Click here to learn more and take the first step.

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